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Alexis 2021.04.12/23:04:42
Hello there David! Thank you so much for being a nice student for the past year. I can still remember those days where you were very shy and time, but as time passes by you were able to express yourself more. Keep practicing and talking in English because that is the best way to learn and improve. I wish to see you next time. Take care!
엔토지기 2021.04.14/21:48:19
안녕하세요 WEON YOO CHAN회원님.

1년동안 열심히 엔토와 함께 하셨던 시간들.
꼭 회원님께 글로벌리더가 될 수 있는 밑거름이 되었기를 바래봅니다.
꾸준히 하신 만큼 큰 향상이 있었을 거라고 생각됩니다.
시간이 가능하실 때 또 한번 엔토영어의 문을 두드려주시면
더 나은 서비스로 보답할께요~

엔토영어 올림.