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Briana 2019.05.10/22:54:37
I think of the moment while you were writing this Emma.
I imagine how you looked like while thinking of me wearing the mickey mouse headband.
I have a lot actually and you have a lot of activities to show.
You are so sweet and very funny.
I could not imagine one afternoon without you in my class.
Thank you so much for this...
엔토지기 2019.05.15/12:17:55
안녕하세요 Emma 회원님 !
영어로 후기를 작성해주셔서 선생님이 읽으실 수 있던것 같습니다 ^^
앞으로도 엔토에서 만족되는 수업하셨으면 좋겠습니다.
칭찬해주신만큼 노력하겠습니다.