로그인을 하시면 댓글을 작성할 수 있습니다.

SuaManager 2010.07.26/10:44:40
안녕하세요 Leanie님-* 세가지 표현 모두 동일한 의미의 문장입니다 ^^
지금 하고계신 수업은 잘 진행되고계신가요 ? 아무쪼록 이 표현을 잘 새겨두셔서
다음 수업때도 단어의 패턴을 잘 기억해 적용해서 쓰시면 유용하실거에요.
질문 있으시면 언제든 글 올리시구요, 좋은하루되세요. 감사합니다 ^^*
SuaManager 2010.07.26/10:45:33
Those are words which i didn't know or didn't use well in last class.
I want to make sentences with them and then check for me please.

Those are words that I didn't know in the last class or I don't usually use. I'm going to make sentences with those words and I would like you to correct them. Could you do that for me please?

These are words you didn't know well or were not applying last class.
help make sentences by using those and check them out, plz