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다른 회원님의 후기에 댓글을 달아 소통을 하고 포인트도 쌓아 보세요.
1. 담임 선생님에 대해 소개해 주세요.^^ Because of the internet problem that swept in Florida today, my teacher had to cancel the class, which made me take a makeup class with Teacher David. He has a pleasant character, making the class atmosphere comfortable. 2. 수업노트나 학습앱을 활용해 영어공부를 해 보셨나요? Nope, I haven't. But, I wish I could try it. 3. 엔토영어에서 가장 좋은 점은 무엇인가요? The best thing about Entor English is that I can have class anywhere , anytime I want. Plus, the best teachers that they introduce are so great that I am sure anyone feels satisfied with conversations. 4. 수업을 하면서 있었던 에피소드가 있나요? The teacher talked about his hometown and the current residence in Korea, which I found interesting, because Samchuck is a very beautiful and serene place. We talked about other things like English learning, Korean culture, and stress and health issues. 5. 한국 매니저님들은 친절하신가요? Yeah, I think they are pretty nice ♥ 6. 회원님의 의견을 한마디 해 주세요. I strongly recommend studying English with Entor! Your English will improve quicklier than you expect. |